Monday 9 April 2012

Happy 6 months old sayang

My life and my soul.

The one who is responsible in changing my entire life and routine.
The one who has changed the title of a wife becoming a mother, and a husband becoming a father.
The one who has changed the title of a mother becoming a grandmother, and a father becoming a grandfather.
The one who has changed the title of a grandmother becoming a great grandmother.
Alhamdulillah, the existence of you into the family has brought us the greatest happiness that ain't an amount of money can buy. 
Hariz, you are the greatest gift that was given by Allah. No other words that could represents my feeling towards the gift. 
Nothing that I could ask for more. Ibu and papa would always pray for your happiness.
Please growing fast baby. Ibu just can't wait to hold your hand, sending you to school =)
Happy 6 months old baby.
Ibu and papa really love you so much.
[May Allah Bless:10122012:0015HR]

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