Thursday 15 November 2012

Maal Hijrah


First of all, would like to wish you Salam Maal Hijrah.

Let's forget the past, and begin with the new way of life.
Forgive and forget, that is what requires to have a happy life ahead.
Let's strive for the highest chart in becoming a good muslim. InsyaAllah.

Terlalu banyak salah silap kita sebelum ini.
Walau orang kata, hangat-hangat tahi ayam je berazam baru, tapi azam before this pun tak pernah buat.

Well, pada Cik bulat gojes, pedulikan apa orang kita.
Berazam jelah selagi boleh.
It's between you and Allah.
Whether you can achieve it or not, that would be other question.

Yeap... I used to have new resolution every year and what I can say, not even 10% of it I successfully achieve it.
So who cares?? As long as Allah give us time to do the best in our life, just go with it and no turning back.

What important is you and Allah before comes you and other people.

So, try your best to achieve all your wants, and never lose hope.


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